Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The Knack - A Pub Style Quiz

The closing event for the residency sought to bring together some of the knowledge learnt during the residency and the prior R&D phase, in an attempt to share it back out.

The Knack was a PUB(style) Quiz...with only one rule - No Mobile Phones.

A pub (style) Quiz

Round 1 -  DIY, Camping, Survival

1.     Q. What does trail-blazing mean?

2. Q. What can you clean with crushed dried egg shells, salt and sodium borate?

3. Q. What’s the missing Word in this hypothermia equation?
COLD + WIND + WETNESS + ?  = Hypothermia

4. Q. What does GPS stand for?

5. Q. When purifying water by boiling for a safe time - 15 to 20 minutes, it should be safe to drink, but will have gone flat and lost its taste - which carboniferous material is useful to restore the taste?

6. What acid gives sour dough bread its sour taste?

Round 2 – Environment, local

7. Q. Which two waterways make up Sheffield’s Blue Loop?

8. Q. How long does it take to walk around the Blue Loop at a speed of 2 mph?

9. Q. What Landmark sits at the north-eastern tip of the Blue Loop?

The next three questions are from author J.D Taylor whose cycle trip around the UK resulted in the book Island Nation. JD spent some time in Sheffield during his journey.

10. Q. Peak Cavern in Castleton, the Peak District, is locally known by what other mischievous name?

11. Q. What's the name of the late 1990s government programme resulting in the needless demolition of whole streets of houses in the North of England?

12. Q. Under the influence of what substance did J.D. Taylor converse with a headless woman whilst at Avebury one night

13. Q. Which river runs underneath Site Gallery?

Round 3 – Tech

These questions are supplied by Jake Harries of Sheffield’s Access Space

14. Q. Which operating system is the second most used for accessing the internet worldwide after Microsoft Windows?

15. Q. Which operating system can you put on your computer or laptop to give it possibly five to ten years years' extra life when a Microsoft Windows upgrade won't run or install on it because the computer processor is too slow?

16. Q. If a Microsoft Windows upgrade causes your computer to run too slowly to be usable, do you

a) buy a new computer costing several hundred pounds
b) install Linux and get possibly five years extra life from your computer/laptop for nothing.

17. Q. Floss is a well known aid to keeping your teeth clean. But what is FLOSS in the world of computing?

18. Q. How much does a Linux operating system and all the creative, internet and office software you can download for it cost?

Round 4
Picture Round

Round 5 – Plants

19. Q. Which of the following plants are edible and which are poisonous for humans?

Wild Arum
Fox Glove
Himalayan Balsam

The Following 4 questions are supplied by Martin Crawford, author of How To Make A Forest Garden

20. Q. How fast can bamboo shoots grow in the UK? Answer in Centimetres to the nearest 5 cm

21. Q. Fungal hyphae is a long, branching filamentous structure of a fungus - hyphae are the main mode of vegetative growth, and are collectively called a mycelium. If your 1 pint beer glass was full of forest soil, what length of fungal hyphae will there be in it? 1.7m, 170m, 1.7km, 170km

22. Q. If you grew a ‘Dennistons Superb’ tree, what fruit would you eat from it?  

23. Q. If you said you really liked toon, what would you be talking about?
A.             A root native to northern England
B.             A Chinese tree with edible spicy leaves
C.             An irrigation system

The following two questions come from Ffyona Cambell - who walked solo around the world in the 1980’s and is now one of the UK’s well known foragers. Ffyona has asked that you think laterally for the next question and we will award points for the nearest to ffyona’s answer.

24. Q. Why do stinging nettles sting?   

25. Q. Some plants evolved edible roots for humans to eat How does that help the plant?

26. Q. What are the following varieties of....: April Bearded, Maris Widgeon, Eithiopian  blue tinge

27. All of the following plants - according to Richard Mabey - have a purpose - can you match the following 5 purposes to the 5 plants below?

A Scented pillow stuffing

B Basketry
C polishing

D keeping butter cold
E glue

1.  Bluebell

2.  Hazel  
3.  Pine     
4.  Burdock/dock

5.  Ivy

Round 7 - Trees

28. Q. In 1086, from info in the Magna Carta, Woodland covered 15% of England. To the nearest percent, what was this percentage in 2002?

29. Q. Why has Scotland largely been successful in keeping the grey squirrel population down, whilst numbers of red squirrels have soared?

30. Q.  Which tree and which fruit is gin made from?

The following 5 questions come from renowned arborealist, Jerry Dicker

31. Q.     What tree, the Norse tree of life Yggdrasil, is now facing death in the UK?

32. Q.  What is the tallest NATIVE tree in the UK, especially in Caledonia?

33. Q.  What tree is called Mother of Forests because its dense shade suppresses undergrowth and allows tree seedlings to germinate and grow?

34. Q. Which tree can live to a great age;  its leaves can poison horses and cattle although they are used to make an anti-cancer drug; the berries are delicious but the seeds are poisonous.

35. Q.  Green buds in winter, a 5 pointed leaf and helicopters in autumn, this member of the maple (acer) family) is an invasive coloniser with seeds that grow anywhere.

Round 8 -  Known-Unknown-Known

These questions are taken from public contributions to the project Known/Unknown/Known

36. Q. What is formed from a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae?

37. Q. What animal shares information about toxins and food sources through chemical signals in their mucus

38. Q.  What kind of mushrooms can convert hydrocarbons (eg. deisle) into water, remove ecoli from water sources?

39. Q. How many minutes can you can survive without air, days without water and months without food?

40. Q. Lavender is an effective treatment for which common household accident?

41. Q. Singing nettles are not native to the UK, why did the Roman’s bring stinging nettles here?

Final Question
42. What is the answer to the universe?

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